Saturday 26 February 2022

Liver Cirrhosis- This disease can be caused by damage to the liver.

It is a disease that is caused by damage to the liver over many years. It can also be fatal if not treated on time.

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What is Liver Cirrhosis?

When the liver is traumatized due to some chronic disease or cause, then scars start to appear on the liver. This is called liver cirrhosis. In liver cirrhosis, hard scar tissue replaces the healthy tissue in the liver. This is also called scarring in the liver. What happens is that whenever the liver is damaged in any way, it tries to repair itself. In this process, scar tissue begins to form, which replaces healthy liver tissue, making the liver harder to digest.

How does the hardening of the liver harm the body?
As cirrhosis progresses, more scar tissue builds up in the liver, which means less healthy tissue remains in the liver. Scar tissues block the flow of blood to the liver, which has a huge impact on the liver’s ability to function. This prevents it from processing nutrients, hormones, and natural toxins.

Symptoms of liver cirrhosis

  • feeling tired often.
    - Loss of desire to eat.
    - Sudden increase or decrease in weight.
    - Bleeding easily after injury.
    - Swelling in legs and abdomen.
    - vomiting blood.
    - Unexplained itching in the body.
    - Yellowing of body and eyes.
    - Blood in stool.
    - Fever.
    - Difficulty concentrating, walking, and remembering things due to accumulation of toxins in the brain.

Reason for this disease?

Liver damage can occur due to many reasons and diseases. But the main cause of liver cirrhosis in our country is obesity, especially when fat accumulates in the stomach.

Other causes of cirrhosis are –

  • Diabetes (having diabetes along with obesity increases its chances).
    Consumption of alcohol in excessive amounts over a long period.
    - Having hepatitis B or C.
    - Fat accumulation in the liver.
    - Increase in the amount of iron in the body.
    - Having cystic fibrosis.
    - Having any kind of disease or infection that is affecting the liver.

How to cure this disease?
The treatment of liver cirrhosis depends greatly on its cause and severity.
In this disease, our full focus is on how we can reduce the damage to the liver and how to stop the progression of cirrhosis. We do this by correcting the cause of cirrhosis.

Preventing the progression of liver cirrhosis.
To prevent cirrhosis from progressing, you’ll first need to lose weight. Your cirrhosis can be managed by achieving an appropriate and healthy weight.
To prevent cirrhosis from progressing, the cause of its occurrence has to be addressed. Liver damage can be prevented by making some lifestyle changes, such as quitting alcohol. The disease can also be brought under control by managing other causes such as hepatitis B or C through medicines.
Cirrhosis caused by the fatty liver can be reduced by making some healthy lifestyle changes. “Fatty liver can often be treated with weight loss and dietary changes.

Another aspect of the treatment of liver cirrhosis is to cure the complications arising from this disease as soon as possible.

These are the complications –

Liver Cancer — Having liver cirrhosis increases the chances of getting liver cancer. That’s why doctors often recommend frequent blood tests and ultrasounds for patients suffering from liver cirrhosis so that cancer can be detected early.

Progression of liver cirrhosis — When the entire liver becomes almost full of cirrhosis, then it stops working at all. A liver transplant is the only solution in this situation.

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