Saturday 26 February 2022

Liver Cirrhosis- This disease can be caused by damage to the liver.

It is a disease that is caused by damage to the liver over many years. It can also be fatal if not treated on time.

Join the Conference as a Speaker or Delegate or Poster or Workshop.
CME/CPD accredited 12th World Gastroenterology & Hepatology Conference provides a platform of international standards where you can discuss and influence key advances in Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Digestive Diseases, and many more.

For highlights and #program, please check —
For #abstract submission click here:

What is Liver Cirrhosis?

When the liver is traumatized due to some chronic disease or cause, then scars start to appear on the liver. This is called liver cirrhosis. In liver cirrhosis, hard scar tissue replaces the healthy tissue in the liver. This is also called scarring in the liver. What happens is that whenever the liver is damaged in any way, it tries to repair itself. In this process, scar tissue begins to form, which replaces healthy liver tissue, making the liver harder to digest.

How does the hardening of the liver harm the body?
As cirrhosis progresses, more scar tissue builds up in the liver, which means less healthy tissue remains in the liver. Scar tissues block the flow of blood to the liver, which has a huge impact on the liver’s ability to function. This prevents it from processing nutrients, hormones, and natural toxins.

Symptoms of liver cirrhosis

  • feeling tired often.
    - Loss of desire to eat.
    - Sudden increase or decrease in weight.
    - Bleeding easily after injury.
    - Swelling in legs and abdomen.
    - vomiting blood.
    - Unexplained itching in the body.
    - Yellowing of body and eyes.
    - Blood in stool.
    - Fever.
    - Difficulty concentrating, walking, and remembering things due to accumulation of toxins in the brain.

Reason for this disease?

Liver damage can occur due to many reasons and diseases. But the main cause of liver cirrhosis in our country is obesity, especially when fat accumulates in the stomach.

Other causes of cirrhosis are –

  • Diabetes (having diabetes along with obesity increases its chances).
    Consumption of alcohol in excessive amounts over a long period.
    - Having hepatitis B or C.
    - Fat accumulation in the liver.
    - Increase in the amount of iron in the body.
    - Having cystic fibrosis.
    - Having any kind of disease or infection that is affecting the liver.

How to cure this disease?
The treatment of liver cirrhosis depends greatly on its cause and severity.
In this disease, our full focus is on how we can reduce the damage to the liver and how to stop the progression of cirrhosis. We do this by correcting the cause of cirrhosis.

Preventing the progression of liver cirrhosis.
To prevent cirrhosis from progressing, you’ll first need to lose weight. Your cirrhosis can be managed by achieving an appropriate and healthy weight.
To prevent cirrhosis from progressing, the cause of its occurrence has to be addressed. Liver damage can be prevented by making some lifestyle changes, such as quitting alcohol. The disease can also be brought under control by managing other causes such as hepatitis B or C through medicines.
Cirrhosis caused by the fatty liver can be reduced by making some healthy lifestyle changes. “Fatty liver can often be treated with weight loss and dietary changes.

Another aspect of the treatment of liver cirrhosis is to cure the complications arising from this disease as soon as possible.

These are the complications –

Liver Cancer — Having liver cirrhosis increases the chances of getting liver cancer. That’s why doctors often recommend frequent blood tests and ultrasounds for patients suffering from liver cirrhosis so that cancer can be detected early.

Progression of liver cirrhosis — When the entire liver becomes almost full of cirrhosis, then it stops working at all. A liver transplant is the only solution in this situation.

Saturday 11 April 2020

5th Emirates Pathology Utilitarian Conference

from the Beautiful City- Dubai. On the behalf of Utilitarian Committee, we
warmly welcome you to the 5th Emirates Pathology
Utilitarian Conference
(EPUCG2020Dubai) in the beautiful City.
The motto
of the Pathology Conference
– EPUCG2020Dubai: Scrutinizing current Pathology research for a better
We have an
exciting and informative program at the Pathology Congress that will allow the
participants to reflect upon and celebrate our accomplishments, renew
collaboration and extend their networking and to investigate current and future
research in a particular direction.
Conference Program will encourage discussions and hope to inspire members from
a wide array of themes to initiate networking and collaboration within and
across disciplines for the advancement of the Pathology field. EPUCG2020Dubai
will be a great conference for sharing the latest insights of both academic and
industrial research.
committee believes that Utilitarian has chosen a venue that guarantees a
successful Pathology Event amid the culture and scenery of Dubai.
objective of this unique conference is to promote the highest standards of
pathology in management. The Conference aims to equip young research talents
with knowledge about recent developments, advance the effectiveness pathology.
Don’t miss
this opportunity to be inspired by joining colleagues from all over Europe,
USA, UAE, Middle East, and Asia to update yourself, to network.
Save the
date, December 1st– 3rd, 2020. Start preparing your abstracts, poster and don’t
forget to tell your colleagues – this is going to be the best Pathologists
conference ever!
We hope
that you will have a productive and fun-filled time at the Pathology
Utilitarian Conference.
forward to seeing you in Dubai
Conference Benefits

15 CME Hours
Keynote lectures
Speaker Sessions
Poster presentation
Networking with the Investors
Employment Bureau
5th Emirates Pathology Utilitarian Conference 2020 souvenir
Lunch, Coffee breaks
Shuttle bus service and free Wi-Fi
Best Poster Certificate

Important Information:
Conference Name: 5th Emirates Pathology Utilitarian Conference

Short Name: 

: Dec 1-3, 2020

Venue: Dubai

Scientific Program: It will only include Plenary speakers, keynote
speakers, panel discussions and presentations in parallel sessions.

Audience: Global Leaders, Industrialists, Business Delegates, Students, Entrepreneurs,



Call for Papers:  

Register here:


Call Us:

WhatsApp Us
: +442033222718
Target Audience: Pathologists, Dermatologists, Neurologist,
Surgeons, Cytopathologists, Dermatopathologists, Gynecologists, Lecturers.
CTOs, VPs, Directors, Senior Managers,
Scientists, Doctors, Chief officers, Professors

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Gastroenterology Utilitarian Conference July 27-28, 2020|Berlin, Germany

Steps to reserve your slot for the #PUCG2020Berlin
®️ #Register

#Pharmaceuticals #Pharmacology #Healthcare #Pharmacy #Pharmacists #DigitalPharma #DrugDelivery #Medicine #Medical #CMEhours #doctors #ClinicalPharmacy #PharmaceuticalsConferences #PharmacologyMeetings #PharmacologyCongress #MedicalConferences #Biotechnology #biotech

Call for Abstracts is now open for the Gastroenterology Utilitarian Conferences 2020  in Berlin, Germany during July 27-28, 2020 with the motto “Gastroenterology – Reinventing the life balance”.
Conference Key Sessions:
The presenting speaker/author must register and pay the registration fee (please note that registration is required in order to be included in the final program, to have the abstract published in the online “Book/proceedings” of Gastroenterology Utilitarian Conferences 2020, and to be invited to submit an abstract for publication in the official Proceedings.
To submit your abstract/research paper for an oral or poster or young research presenter contribution to Gastroenterology 2020, please fill your details in the abstract submission form. Once you submit your details, you can upload your abstract (format allowed: .doc / .docx / .pdf). The author account is must needed for communication purposes. Abstracts can be submitted by email. Speakers/Presenters can submit a maximum of three abstracts. All abstracts must be submitted in English. Please do not submit too many copies of the same abstract. All abstracts will be forwarded to the Scientific and Program Committee Experts for the review process. Once accepted, you will receive a confirmation email from our side.
Digestive Disease ConferencesDigestive Disease MeetingsDigestive Disease CongressDigestive Disease WorkshopDigestive Disease SymposiumsDigestive Disease SeminarsDigestive Disease ExpoDigestive Disease ExhibitionsHepatologists ConferencesHepatologists MeetingsHepatologists CongressHepatologists WorkshopHepatologists SymposiumsHepatologists SeminarsHepatologists ExpoHepatologists ExhibitionsLiver Transplantation, Liver TreatmentSurgery Conferences
Conference Key Sessions

Tuesday 24 December 2019

GI-supervised weight loss program leads to weight loss in GERD, NAFLD | Gastroenterology Utilitarian Conferences Gathering

Gastroenterology Utilitarian Conferences Gathering
A comprehensive gastroenterologist-supervised weight management program that includes nutrition education and behavioral support groups may lead to significant weight loss in patients with obesity with non-alcoholic fatty liver and GERD, according to findings presented at the American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting.
Naresh T. Gunaratnam, MD, and colleagues evaluated the outcomes of a weight loss program aimed at achieving a 10% total body weight loss at 3 months, which are known determinants of improved GERD and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
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Gunaratnam, the research director at Huron Gastroenterology in Michigan, told Healio Gastroenterology and Liver Disease that while many doctors know how to treat the end results of obesity such as diabetes and hypertension, treating the cause is often overlooked.
“The problem is that we, in medicine, are not trained in medical school residencies and fellowships (in managing obesity) beyond telling people go home, exercise and eat right and we know that does not work,” he said. “I became frustrated by this because, in GI, we see the effects of obesity earlier than other specialties. The most prevalent liver disease is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which correlates to obesity and right now the soon-to-be leading cause of cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver transplant – and up to a third of the U.S. population may have it.”
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The researchers examined patients with NAFLD and GERD who were seen at the clinic between May 2017 and January 2019 who were offered participation in a medically supervised weight loss program. The program consisted of a calorie-restricted meal replacement diet, a supervised medical fitness diet and weekly behavioral support groups.
Gunaratnam and colleagues wrote whole-food, plant-based or Mediterranean diets were slowly reintroduced to the patients.
The researchers wrote of the patients in the study (n = 97; mean age, 56 years; 94% white), 34% were diagnosed with NAFLD alone while 66% had diagnoses of both NAFLD and GERD.
At the 3-month mark, 63% of patients lost at least 10% of total body weight, Gunaratnam and colleagues wrote. Patients who attended 50% or more of the behavioral support group meetings had a greater mean percentage of total body weight loss compared with patients who attended no meetings (11.9% vs. 10%; P = .042).
The researchers wrote that studies are continuing to determine weight loss sustainability past 1 year.
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“We’ve been able to change the paradigm a little bit and demonstrate to patients that GI practices can do obesity management effectively. So, I hope that more practices will start thinking about offering this service line,” he said. – by Earl Holland Jr.
Hawa F, et al. Abstract P1676. Presented at American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting; Oct. 25-30, 2019; San Antonio.
Disclosures: Gunaratnam is the co-founder and chief medical officer for Lean Medial, LLC an endobariatrics company and consultant to Nestle Health Sciences. Please see the study for all other authors relevant financial disclosures.
Important Information:
Conference Name: Gastroenterology Utilitarian Conferences Gathering
Short Name: Gastroenterology 2020
Dates: May 11-12, 2020
Venue: 13629, Berlin, Germany
Language: Only English
Scientific Program: It will only include Plenary speakers, keynote speakers, panel discussions and presentations in parallel sessions.
Audience: Global Leaders, Industrialists, Business Delegates, Students, Entrepreneurs, Executives
Call Us: +12076890407
WhatsApp Us: +442033222718
Conference Key Sessions
Track 1 : Gastroenterology
Track 2 : Hepatology
Track 6 : Bariatric Surgery
Track 9 : Endoscopy
Track 10 : Colorectal Cancer
Track 21 : Digestive Disorders
#Gastroenterologyconferences #hepatology #heaptologist #Gastroenterologymeetings #Gastroenterologist #GastrointestinalDiseases #GastroenterologyBook #DigestiveandLiverDisease #SeminarsinLiverDisease #Journalofgastrointestinalandliverdiseases #ClinicsinLiverDisease #LiverTransplantation #Transplantation #Hepatology #JournalofHepatology #NatureReviewsGastroenterologyandHepatology #Hepatology #ClinicalGastroenterologyandHepatology #TranslationalHepatology #LiverBiology #LiverPhysiology #LiverFunctions #LiverPathology #LiverDiseases #LiverDiseaseComplications #ImmunologyofHepatobiliarysystem #DigestiveDisorders #LiverFailure #Hepatitis #LiverCancers #LiverCirrhosis #LiverRegeneration #TransplantationBiology #LiverTransplantation #TransplantationComplications #PosttransplantationCare
Company Reg. No. 12330203, Utilitarian Conferences Gathering Limited. Registered at UCG, 12 Constance Street, London, England, E16 2DQ, UK
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